Friday, March 22, 2013

Our First Sign of Spring...

We have flowers and butterflies showing up in our yard!!  
Are you jealous??

Sometimes you just have to get a little creative with the idea that Spring is here!

We are all suffering from cabin fever; 
we are tired of the snow after having grass not too long ago!
Today we hit the wall and boredom set in.
How is that possible with two girls in the house that always have books, sketchbooks or knitting in their hands?
I have no idea....but it happened!!
I tried to ignore...
I tried to continue to think about work 
(yes I had to work on this pd day and I brought home thoughts of things I would like to do)....
I tried to get annoyed....but even that didn't work because I truly understood how they felt...
Eventually, they trudged outside and grabbed their sleds and I put my "Mom" cape back on.
Remembering their favourite "toddler" winter activity, I pulled out the jars of food colouring and my plastic bottles and set to work.
It turns out that their favourite "toddler" activity is still a favourite as we approach the teen years!!!

Welcome to our Garden

and from our family to yours....
Happy Spring!


  1. I love it... the colour is amazing. And nice fresh white snow to colour. Heading to a suger bush tomorrow - I love maple syrup and pancakes!!

  2. What a great idea! ~ Linne

    1. It is like a giant (forgivable) canvas....or snow cone! lol By the next day it has soaked right in and you have a fresh canvas to play with!

  3. I suggested to my husband that I would like to give that great big rodent (ground hog) a slap to wake him up - so winter can end. He suggested that if I was too firm with my hand, the rodent might go to sleep permanently and... winter would last forever!! And that the neighbourhood would never forgive me if we were back in a gigantic iceage!

    1. Hey Nancy,
      I've been doing a Bee with Hayley at Mrs. Pickles Garden She needs two more people to do a July to December. I am in the We Bee Canadian one. If you are interested go to her blog =)
      ...and email me. My email lost a bunch of emails and I can`t find your contact info. Life is slowing down so hopefully we can finally get together.

  4. hahaha....we have our first groundhog of the year roaming our backyard so we should be good for spring to stick around for a while. I see lots of rain in the forecast. I got your email...March was insane but I hope to get back to you soon =)

  5. I haven't been on my blog in forever and now that I'm back I thought I would stop by and see how you have been. I LOVE the food coloring 'drawings!' what a great idea!

    1. Hey Kari...I know the feeling. Thanks for your comment. It got me to actually sit down long enough to get to my blog (sorry has been too long). See the above reply to Nancy. We need two more people for the We Bee Canadian July to Dec Bee =)
      I think we need to have a virtual chips and sour cream sewing night!


I always love to hear what you think about what I am working on. Tell me about what you are working on or have been inspired to start (...or pull out to finish).