Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year...In With The New

Yesterday, all I could think about was weaving.  I haven't touched my loom since 2004.  Mainly because it or parts of it have been in storage.  My DH helped me out yesterday by carrying my loom upstairs to the living room so that I could follow through on the inspiration to weave without having to run the stairs so much.  This is what I was doing last night to celebrate the new year....what were you doing?
Loom threaded and ready to weave
My tails usually aren't this long....I had a few threads break in the middle of my warp. 
Not a great beginning but it is fixed and I am ready to weave!

483 threads later....this will eventually look like towels.

My goal:  To weave at least 3 days per week for a minimum of 1 hour each day and to post items on my Etsy page.  I have some sewing and spinning goals as well that run along the same line.  Do you have any crafting goals for 2011?  I would love to hear about them.  If you have anything that you would like me to post of my blog please let me know i.e. a tutuorial on something you know I can do or if I don't know I will find someone that does and get them to post an answer to your request.

I am also thinking about a give away or two during 2011.  It might be something off my little loom, from under my sewing needle or off of my spinning wheel....hmmm...who knows!  So Follow along and keep your eyes peeled.

PS...if you come to visit me you will find a loom in the middle of my living room...this is temporary (or so I have been told)

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I always love to hear what you think about what I am working on. Tell me about what you are working on or have been inspired to start (...or pull out to finish).