Sew Sisters Quilt Shop is hosting a Blog-a-thon. Each day between now and Nov 24th, bloggers across Canada are participating. Yesterday we visited BC; today we are in the Maritimes. If you are like me and still relatively a baby in the blogging world and would like to meet fellow Canadian Blogging Quilters or are simply in need of some awesome inspiration, then you should definitely check out these posts. The host blogger lists other blogs from their home province in their post. Visit Sew Sisters at the link provided to see their list of host bloggers (pssstttt...there are also give-aways).
If you are stopping by for the first time via the Blog-a-thon then welcome to my relatively new blog. I in definitely in learning mode! Stop by frequently as I add and update.
A little about me...I moved to NS almost 2 1/2 yrs ago from Ottawa. My two kids (very soon to be 10 & 12) have forgiven me for all the Ottawa and area shop hops that I regularly took them out on and now willingly head to the Annapolis Valley with me to purchase fabric and fibre. They have caught their own little bug...they have become avid knitters and love fabric. I started quilting in '93 then took a break to go back to school, get married and started up again when I had my children. After another brief hiatus I am happily picking up my needle again! When I don't have fabric in my hand I can be found behind my spinning wheel....or waiting, waiting, waiting at various activities with my drop spindle.
What's new in my little corner of the world??? We survived Annie weekend. Both my girls performed in the musical Annie. It was a blast; it was a lot of is over. Now we are all trying to re-energize and get back in to routine. I had big plans for yesterday! Lots of the list involved catching up on laundry, cleaning, tidying another corner in the sewing room and SEWING!!!!! Reality...I curled up on the couch, read a book, and slept!
Today....trying again. I went down and sat in my sewing room for inspiration. My goal is to not start anything new until I weed through my pile of UFOs. However, this little stack of fabric keeps calling me...

My 9 yr old aspiring quilter (she has a little tutorial here showing how she designed and made a pillow for her cousin a couple of Christmases ago)picked these bundles up for me at CQA in Halifax. We arrived just moments before the vendors mall closed. She ran in and surveyed the shelves and came back with these treats. The bundle on the left was from Mad About Patchwork. Their booth was stunning and deliciously colourful. There is no way you could walk past without your eyes pulling you back in! The star shaped bundle and larger piece was from The Running Stitch. It was so wonderful to see them there. I frequented The Running Stitch when we lived in Ottawa. We spent our last milliseconds in their stall wishing we had more time to check out all their lovely fabrics. I have a Christmas gift to make for my father (and am still mentally stuck on what to do) but I have a couple other little ones that I adore and if there is time they might just get a little something using these fabrics. Too many little time!!!
I was also perusing my fabric stash now that it is all tidied up and pretty much unpacked.
It is pretty small compared to other stashes that I have seen. I gave away A LOT of fabric prior to our move to groups making quilts for charity. I didn't relish the idea of slugging everything from Ontario to Nova Scotia. My cousin in Saskatchewan warned me that I would regret it and...well...I do in a way but then I don't. Looking at this photo I see a lot of earth tones...that is where my head used to be. Then I had children and things got a bit more colourful but now all I can think about is bright, vibrant, and WOW! I have colour holes that need to be filled. I really must discuss this with Santa. He has often been such a great enabler of my habit...fabric, thread, notions, etc...He knows it brings me joy and when I have joy then the whole family is happy!
I would LOVE to meet fellow quilters in NS! It would definitely make it feel a little more like home for me. Let me know if there is a quilt show (or shop) in your area, what craft shows are going on or what you are working on. Is there a Modern Quilt Guild in the area? Come along for the ride and follow me.